Monday, February 16, 2009

A Blogger Joining The Convo

I have read your recent blog Newton and your response Leibniz and through plenty of analysis about the both of you I have come to a concensus.

You both are great men in possesion with a new analysis before either of you made it known to the world. If priority of publication determined priority of discovery Leibniz would have completely gained his cause; but this is not sufficient on the present occasion. The inventor may have long kept the secret to himself; he may have allowed some hints to escaope him on which another may have seized. Therefore I had to trace it to the sources of discovery.

In the whole of this business there are three pieces that are truly decisive; first the letter you, Newton wrote to Oldenburg dated October 24th 1676 which was communicated to Leibniz the year following, the second the reply, Leibniz, that you returned to Oldenburg in response to the first letter, and finally teh scholia to Newton's Principa published towards the end of 1688.

From the analysis of these three peices it is clear that if Newton first invented the method of fluxions, as is pretended to be proved in his letter, Leibniz equally invented it on his part, without borrowing anything from his rival.

You two are great men that by the strength of your genius' arrived at the same discovery through differnt paths. It would be wonderful for you two to realize this and meet up at a pub and hare a beer once and talk about both of your discoveries. Another breakthrough just might happen!

-Charles Bossut

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